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BFC SEE - News

BFC SEE Study visit to Berlin

25. May 2019.

BFC SEE Study visit to Berlin

Representatives of the BFC SEE Technical Secretariats from the SEE region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia)...

BFC SEE Workshop for municipalities in Federation of BiH

26. April 2019.

BFC SEE Workshop for municipalities in Federation of BiH

A two-day workshop for BFC SEE municipalities in Federation of BiH was organised on 24th and 25th of April in Sarajevo. Representatives of...

15th session of the Regional Council

05. April 2019.

15th session of the Regional Council

The 15th session of the Regional Council of the BFC SEE Network was held in NALED, Belgrade on 5th of April. The meeting was attended by members of...

Official start of the BFC SEE proces in Montenegro

01. March 2019.

Official start of the BFC SEE proces in Montenegro

Two-day training for the representatives of the BFC SEE municipalities in Montenegro and evaluators was held on 25th and 26th of February 2019. at the...

14th session of the Regional Council

30. November 2018.

14th session of the Regional Council

The 14th session of the Regional Council of the BFC SEE Network was held in Hotel Inn, Skopje on November 30th. Apart from permanent members of the...

BFC SEE Regional Workshop for verificators

02. November 2018.

BFC SEE Regional Workshop for verificators

Regional workshop on BFC SEE Edition III for future verificators was held on 2nd November in Belgrade. More than 40 experts for local economic...

Coordination meeting of BFC SEE Technical Secretariats

02. October 2018.

Coordination meeting of BFC SEE Technical Secretariats

Coordination meeting for BFC SEE Technical Secretariats from BiH, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia was held on 2nd of October in Belgrade. The meeting...

Training for BFC SEE municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

01. October 2018.

Training for BFC SEE municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Training for staff dealing with public relations and local economic development in BFC SEE municipalities was held in 25th and 26th of October in...

BFC SEE training for municipalities in Serbia

08. June 2018.

BFC SEE training for municipalities in Serbia

In the NALED premises, a two day training for cities and municipalities that have joined the BFC SEE program is held on the 1st and 8th of June....

Delegation of BFC SEE municipalities from BiH visited institutions and local governments in Serbia

24. May 2018.

Delegation of BFC SEE municipalities from BiH visited institutions and local governments in Serbia

NALED, with the support of the USAID CRS "RAST" project, organized a two-day visit for the delegation of BFC SEE cities and municipalities from Bosnia...

Workshop for develoPPP.de junior experts

16. May 2018.

Workshop for develoPPP.de junior experts

Workshop for junior develoPPP.de experts was held on 16th May, in NALED, Belgrade. Aim of the workshop was to exchange experiences related to project...

BFC SEE Certificate award ceremony 2018 - Partnership for a Competitive Region

24. April 2018.

BFC SEE Certificate award ceremony 2018 - Partnership for a Competitive Region

BFC SEE annual regional certificate award ceremony "Partnership for a Competitive Region", organised by BFC Regional Technical Secretariat - NALED and...

BFC SEE training for municipalities in Federation of BiH

05. April 2018.

BFC SEE training for municipalities in Federation of BiH

BFC SEE Technical Secretariat of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (REDAH) has held another training for municipal and city teams for the BFC...

Coordination workshop with Techical Secretariats

09. March 2018.

Coordination workshop with Techical Secretariats

Coordination workshop with BFC SEE Technical Secretariats from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia on project "Development partnerships with...

PM of Serbia pointed out BFC SEE as a high standard for business environment in South East Europe region

01. March 2018.

PM of Serbia pointed out BFC SEE as a high standard for business environment in South East Europe region

Ana Brnabić, prime minister of Republic of Serbia, during her visit to city Leskovac pointed out that BFC SEE program is a high standard for whole...

Labin, Cres and Grubišno Polje officially recived BFC SEE certificate

01. March 2018.

Labin, Cres and Grubišno Polje officially recived BFC SEE certificate

Members of BFC Regional Council, Violeta Jovanović and Saša Drezgić, attended conference "Croatia 2030 - Identification of projects important...

BFC SEE municipalites in fDi's European Cities and Regions of the Future 2018/19 report

20. February 2018.

BFC SEE municipalites in fDi's European Cities and Regions of the Future 2018/19 report

The Financial Times, one of the most influential business magazine in the world, has released this year's report on best cities and regions for...

Info Days held in BFC municipalities and cities

20. February 2018.

Info Days held in BFC municipalities and cities

For the past 2 months REDAH, as Technical Secretariat of BFC SEE Network of Federation B&H, and GIZ Open Regional Fund for modernization of...

Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities

07. February 2018.

Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities

During the past month round tables with business "Public-private interaction via development partnerships in BFC SEE municipalities" are being...

Meeting with the representatives of the Embassy of the Republic Croatia in Belgrade regarding improvement of the business conditions in SEE

06. February 2018.

Meeting with the representatives of the Embassy of the Republic Croatia in Belgrade regarding improvement of the business conditions in SEE

Representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Belgrade, HE. Ambassador Мr. Gordan Bakota and Mr. Stjepan Glas, Minister...