• Last change: 04. January 2025.
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Countries overview

Official Name of the Country Republic of Croatia
Form/Political Structure Parliamentary Democracy
Position South East Europe
Borders Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Territory 56.594 km², consisting of 56.414 km² of land and 128 km² of water
Climate Mediterranean and continental
Population 4.284.889
Official language Croatian language
Religion Roman Catholic 87.8%, Orthodox 4.4%, other Christian 0.4%, Muslim 1.3%, other and unspecified 0.9%, none 5.2%
Capital City Zagreb
Currency Croatian kruna (HRK)
Link to National Bank containing average EUR exchange rate www.hnb.hr
Average net salary 5.487 HRK
GDP (2011) 63.854 billion USD
GDP/capita (2011) 14.902 USD
Country Code +385
Official Name of the Country Republic of Macedonia
Form/Political Structure Parliamentary Democracy
Position South-East Europe, north of Greece
Borders Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo and Serbia
Territory 25 713 km²
Climate Combination of moderate continental climate and Mediterranean
Population 2.082.370
Official language Macedonian language
Religion Macedonian Orthodox 64.7%, Muslim 33.3%, other Christian 0.37%, other and unspecified 1.63%
Capital City Skopje
Currency Macedonian Denar (MKD)
Link to National Bank containing average EUR exchange rate www.nbrm.mk
Average net salary 21.469 MKD
GDP (2011) 10.33 billion USD
GDP/capita (2011) 10.500 USD
Country Code +389
Official Name of the Country Republic of Serbia
Form/Political Structure Parliamentary Democracy
Position South East Europe, central part of Balkan Peninsula
Borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
Territory 88.361 km²
Climate Moderate continental
Population 9.024.734
Official language Serbian language
Religion Orthodox (84.6%) and Catholic Christians (5.2%), Muslim (2.9%)
Capital City Belgrade
Currency Serbian dinar (RSD)
Link to National Bank containing average EUR exchange rate www.nbs.rs
Average net salary 39.197 RSD
GDP (2011) 79.654 billion USD
GDP/capita (2011) 10.528 USD
Country Code +381
Official Name of the Country Republic of Montenegro
Form/Political Structure Parliamentary Democracy
Position South-East Europe
Borders Albania, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Territory 13.812 km²
Climate Mediterranean and continental
Population 625.266
Official language Montenegrin language
Religion Orthodox (72.07%), Muslim (19.11%), Roman Catholic (3.44%), others (5.38%)
Capital City Podgorica
Currency Euro (EUR)
Link to National Bank containing average EUR exchange rate www.cb-cg.org
Average net salary 509 EUR
GDP (2011) 10.436 billion USD
GDP/capita (2011) 16,654 USD
Country Code +382
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Official Name of the Country Bosnia and Herzegovina
Form/Political Structure Parliamentary System
Position South East Europe, central part of Balkan Peninsula
Borders Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro
Territory 51,197 km²
Climate Moderately continental, mountain and Mediterranean
Population 3,856,181
Official language Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language
Religion Orthodox and Catholic Christians, Muslims and others
Capital City Sarajevo
Currency Convertible Mark (BAM)
Link to National Bank containing average EUR exchange rate www.cbbh.ba
Average net salary 828 BAM
GDP (2015) 15.568 million USD
GDP/capita (2015) 9.980 USD
Country Code +387

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