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15. July 2016.

Regional partnerships for improved municipal services

Partners in the BFC SEE regional network participated in the Conference ‘’Regional partnerships for improved municipal services’’ organized by the Open Regional Fund for South East Europe on July 14th, 2016 in hotel Terme Ilidza, Sarajevo to summarize effects of the previous phase, and announce a new programming effort through 2018.

The Conference brought together representatives of municipalities, public utilities, municipal associations, water associations, consumer associations, political decision makers and other partners to review the results we achieved from 2013 to 2016 and to reflect together upon regional partnerships for improved municipal services. The Conference offered the opportunity for exchange, dialogue and networking and BFC SEE partners participated in panel discussions to present experiences in regional cooperation practiced through the BFC platform that served as a framework for joint projects of Business friendly certification and Electronic permitting.

The conference included an award ceremony in which GIZ ORF recognized the BFC SEE regional network and its key partners who have contributed to the innovation, cooperation and impact of ORF MMS program. On the sides of the conference, members of the regional council had bilateral meetings with donor organizations (USAID and UNDP/SDC) to discuss extended cooperation and synergies.

BFC SEE Partners