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19. September 2016.

BFC SEE e-platform strengthening the regional network

With the support of the Regional Cooperation Council, initial workshop was organized in Belgrade, presenting the representatives of working bodies from BFC SEE Network member countries (Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina) the electronic BFC SEE platform which will be realized within the project Boost Business Friendliness.

The project aims to strengthen the capacities, achieve higher efficiency, visibility and impact of the regional BFC SEE network and its structures through development of a comprehensive IT tool and the platform for monitoring the business environment in the region. On the other hand, automatization of BFC SEE process will enable the submission of electronic application for joining the program and increase the visibility of BFC SEE program and the certified cities and municipalities in the region, Additionally, this will facilitate the creation of a comprehensive database of contacts, thus easing access to municipal information, contacts, promotional material, investment opportunities, and serve as an additional source of information for adopting decisions and incentive measures on the local and national level. Upon placing the BFC SEE e-platform in function, the local governments will receive clear guidelines for developing a business friendly environment and a mechanism for more efficient and transparent local administration, they will be able to learn about best practice examples in other local governments, while the private sector will receive a standardized tool for accessing data and information about the local business conditions in the region.

The activities in the upcoming period include the development and testing of the initial software solution within the training to be organized for the key system users in the countries in the region.

The project Boost Business Friendliness is financed by the Regional Cooperation Council, whose one of the main tasks is to strengthen and develop the regional cooperation through several priority areas and the realization of projects of common interests for the countries in the region. The project implementation period is 6 months, and in line with the plan all activities will be realized by the end of the year.

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