07. February 2018.

Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities

During the past month round tables with business "Public-private interaction via development partnerships in BFC SEE municipalities" are being held in BFC SEE municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia. Round tables are organized within the regional project "Development Partnerships with the private sector in BFC SEE municipalities" which is implemented by Technical Secretariats of the BFC SEE network, and supported by GIZ ORF MMS.

At these meetings, local companies are introduced with develoPPP.de programme of the German government. Through this programme, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provides companies investing in developing and emerging countries with financial and, if required, also professional support. Companies are invited to register their interest with GIZ by participating in one of the ideas competition held four times a year. These are open to all European and EFTA companies and their subsidiaries in developing countries and emerging economies, such as countries in the BFC SEE network.

Besides local companies which meet the program criteria and representatives of the Technical Secretariats, the meetings are attended by develoPPP.de junior experts who will provide support to companies in desinging of the project ideas. 

Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities
Round tables with private sector in BFC SEE municipalities

BFC SEE Partners