06. February 2018.

Meeting with the representatives of the Embassy of the Republic Croatia in Belgrade regarding improvement of the business conditions in SEE

Representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Belgrade, HE. Ambassador Мr. Gordan Bakota and Mr. Stjepan Glas, Minister Plenipotentiary, met today with executive director of NALED, Violeta Jovanović. The meeting discussed regional cooperation on improvement of the business conditions, as well as exchange of the experience and knowledge in order to make South East Europe desirable and business friendly environment. Example of successful regional cooperation was the implementation of solution for the seasonal workers through introduction of vouchers in Serbia, relying on the experince of Croatia in this area. 

One of the priorities of BFC SEE network representatives in the future period will be the institutionalization of the network through establishing regional organization for Business Friendly Environment in South East Europe (BFE SEE). Regarding that, representatives of the network attended a number of meetings, including this one, with high representatives of countries in region in order to institutionalize regional network for Business Friendly Environment. 

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