14. December 2017.
As part of the initiative to create an environment for developing public-private cooperation in BFC SEE municipalities an info day "Public-private interaction via development partnerships in BFC SEE municipalities" was held on 14th december at the hotel Crown Plaza in Belgrade. Initiative was recently launched by BFC SEE network in cooperation with the GIZ ORF MMS within project "Development Partnerships with the private sector in BFC SEE municipalities".
Representatives of the 26 certified municipalities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia participated at the info day, including two mayors. Apart from them, representatives of the BFC SEE Technical secretariats and GIZ ORF MMS were present and they introduced develoPPP.de program and new mechanism of the BFC SEE network to the municipalities.
The aim of the info day was to secure the commitment of municipalities in further promotion and creation of environment for development of public-private partnerships and to reach understanding on their role in the development partnership with the private sector. In order to identify potential ideas for develoPPP and potential interest of companies a group work was organized. One of the main results from group work and info day was agreement on rough timelines for organizing round tables for business to whom develoPPP.de program would be presented.