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14. July 2017.

Workshop on BFC edition III and development of new BFC SEE services

Two day workshop for BFC SEE Technical Secretariats (TS), organized by NALED and GIZ ORF MMS, was held on July 13th and 14th at IN hotel, Belgrade. The aim of the workshop was to introduce new edition of BFC SEE standard, BFC SEE e-platform and project ''Partners for Local Economic Growth: Development Partnership with the private sector in BFC SEE municipalities'' supported by GIZ ORF MMS.

Apart from members of BFC SEE Technical Secretariats from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia was also present BFC SEE experts and GIZ ORF MMS representatives.

In order to provide trainings to potential BFC SEE evaluators BFC SEE (TS) at first day of the workshop was presented agreed criteria, needed documentations as well certification process and e-platform functioning. Second day was intended for new GIZ ORF MMS project oriented to provide the BFC SEE municipalities with access to organizational capacity, adequate expertise and resources to initiate and implement development partnerships with private sector. Also the project will lead to further development of capacities of the BFC SEE network on individual, organizational and institutional level for the provision of advisory services and capacity development measures to certified municipalities.

Workshop participants agreed on the next steps that will be taken in upcoming period meaning delivering of trainings to BFC SEE auditors in all participated countries and developing new BFC SEE services.

BFC SEE Partners