10. November 2017.
The 13th session of the Regional Council of the BFC SEE Network was held in Hotel Zepter, Belgrade on November 10th. Apart from permanent members of the Council, the meeting was also attended by representatives of donors – Cristophe di Marco and Zorica Bilic from GIZ ORF MMS and Daniel Berg, president of the World Bank in Serbia. Executive director at ZELS, Dušica Perišić, was elected as the new president of Regional Council of BFC SEE network.
Prior to the session, members of the Council had a meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic with whom they discussed the BFC SEE network and organisation of the Regional Congress which should take place at the beginning of the next year.
Main topic of the session was the establishment and institutionalization of the regional platform for Business Friendly Environment (BFE). Besides that, a cross-section of the BFC SEE network activities was made, as well as presentation of the accomplished activities and further steps in the new project „Development Partnership with the private sector in BFC SEE municipalities“.
At the end of the session, members of the Council agreed on the upcoming activities that will be taken in the next period concerning establishment of the regional platform for BFE.