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25. October 2017.

Training for develoPPP junior experts

Two-day training for develoPPP junior experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia within GIZ’s project ''Development Partnership with the private sector in BFC SEE municipalities'', was held in Belgrade on October 24th and 25th. Training sessions were planed and led by develoPPP advisor, Elma Badžak. Apart from them, representatives of the BFC SEE Technical Secretariats, together with GIZ representatives, were present.

The main goal of the training was building capacity for writing applications according to the develoPPP.de program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in the partner structure of the BFC SEE network. Besides that, aim was to inform the participants of the training about develoPPP.de program and to present them application form, budget, operational plan and reporting form. Successful examples of develoPPP applications were shown to the participants. Also, they participated in group work on defining project ideas.

Training participants agreed on the upcoming activities that will be taken in the next period meaning consulting between develoPPP advisor and junior experts on developing applications and preparation of regional event and info days with BFC SEE municipalities regarding to this project. 

Training for develoPPP junior experts
Training for develoPPP junior experts
Training for develoPPP junior experts
Training for develoPPP junior experts
Training for develoPPP junior experts
Training for develoPPP junior experts

BFC SEE Partners