The Regional Network for Business Friendly Environment in South East Europe is a unique platform for improving the competitiveness in SEE countries through knowledge transfer, best practice exchange and designing and implementing reforms in public administration. The BFC SEE Network was established in 2012, by partner institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia with the support of German and Swiss Governments; in 2016 the Network has opened its doors for new member countries - and Montenegro was the first to join.
More than 1.3 million EUR has been invested so far to develop the regional platform, network structures and capacities, as well as joint programs. The BFC SEE network and its members have sparked two major regional initiatives – Business Friendly Certification of Municipalities in SEE and Electronic permitting, and implemented projects with the support of GIZ, SDC, USAID, SIDA and World Bank.
The Network has gathered more than 20 institutions and organizations including line ministries, chambers of commerce, association of municipalities, development agencies, CSOs and academic institutions.
NALED is the Regional Technical Secretariat of the BFC SEE Network, while the founding members and national leaders are:
In addition to BFC SEE and E-permits as successful initiatives sparked by the Network, members of the Regional network are aiming to expand, institutionalize and strengthen the partnership in the area of business friendly environment (BFC to BFE network) by stimulating exchange in the following areas: